Making Work...Make Sense.
Achieve Peak Performance Through Organizational Fitness.
Achieve Peak Performance Through Organizational Fitness.
Organizations use terms such as ‘leadership’, ‘culture’, ‘resilience’, ‘communication’, and ‘team-work’ to promote their ‘mission and vision’. When ineffectively used, these ‘buzzwords’ can be perceived as ‘corporate fluffy stuff.’ When this happens, workers may disengage from the organizational systemic whole, which allows the potential for other enterprise risks. How do we bridge this language gap to engage employees?
Because everyone can relate to the human body, Organizstasis™ uses the homeostatic state of biological systems as a platform to inform and engage workers to achieve the business's goals as well as the workforce's goals.
We provide a common and understandable language so the entire workforce is engaged and informed about their place in the organizational systemic process to succeed.
Our process is as applicable as going to a physician to find out why you are sick or to seek overall health and wellness.
When your body is healthy you perform better. Organizstasis™, promotes organizational health through its workforce to achieve the organization's goals.
After over 30 years in public accounting and private industry, we decided to alter our direction. Now, we share our passion by helping others. Our Organizstasis™ process is designed to unite your team to achieve organizational success.
To transform underachieving organizations into champions by using common, understandable language to engage, excite, and unite all members of the workforce in achieving systemic health for desired organizational outcomes.
Because we get it. We realize that many organizations go through periods where something is wrong or just doesn't feel right, but you just don't know exactly how to define or fix that wrong 'something'. We help define, wrangle, and correct organizational illness or inefficient performance, by treating the organizational systemic whole much like a doctor diagnoses an acute illness by assessing the entire body or a personal trainer assesses a physical weakness and concentrates on improving that area. A relationship with a physician or personal trainer is intimate and must be built on trust. That’s why when it comes to client selection, we’re choosy - as you should be too. We want to give each of you the time and guidance you deserve without rushing you through the 'consult'.
Attendees of the September 19, 2019 Raising the Bar Conference can request the presentation here.
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